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A great selection from some of the world’s leading publishers and distributors, based in Australia, North America Europe and India.

Titles released by our own publishing house – Whole Life Universal Publications – including the free, online quarterly magazine Whole Life Times – journal of holistic health & sustainable living and various podcast best of compilations on different themes (cell health & healing, self-discovery, spirituality, sustainability, etc)

Health & Wellness  cat>> • blog>>

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Travel & Vacations  cat>> • blog>>

We love to travel to places to relax, explore, enjoy, new eperiences, etc. Now we need to do so with good care for the earth and its ecosystems. This new travel awareness goes by different names: green or sustainable travel, ecotourism, etc. Whole Life Resources is committed to helping you discover and select high quality choices in the travel, tourism, hospitality and vacation industries and services.

Whole Life Resources (WLR) began as a supplement of Whole Life Times (WLT) which was launched 1982, long before the internet. Initially WLR was primarily a Directory listing of advertisers goods and services, but has developed into a Catalogue of goods & services.

Whole Life Resources range of goods and services can be accessed through links given in the WLR Catalogues and through, its sister online shopping service and one of its regional stores, for example USA & Canada store and the Australia & NZ store at .

Each issue of Whole Life Times features new additions to the Whole Life Resources World Catalogue and regional catalogues. 

The income from both Whole Life Resources and e-wellness stores of supports Whole Life Times , a free quarterly journal of Holistic Health & Sustainable Living and helps it to remain a free community education service. View the current issue at

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WLT does not sell or share its subscriber list. But it does let advertisers know how many subscribers are on the list because this helps prospective advertisers to gauge the value of advertising in the magazine.

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